Grateful For This Day

Hello Friends,
I am sitting at my kitchen table/jewelry studio, grateful for a full day of work and a full tummy. I had a thought! 

“I must reach out. I need to share what I have been working on the last 9 months.” 

This year has been highly emotional to say the least. The first few months of the pandemic I cooked and ate and cried a lot. I obsessively shopped at the grocery store like they were running out of food. Then spring arrived. 

I got a new road bike. 

It gave me a safe(ish) escape. I rode!  In the morning, before work, and in the evening, after work. For months I found solace in the climbs and the speed. The weather cooled.  

I dove deeper into a creative workshop I had begun in the summer. 

I dedicated more time to process my fear, my perceived unworthiness, my resistance to action. I spent more energy making, creating, and telling myself stories that I needed to hear.

Learning how to hear my thoughts has been a gift. 

In hearing my thoughts I can question and rewrite. In conscious listening to thoughts, I empower myself to decide which ones are no longer serving me. I am studying this inner dialogue and sharing what I learn through the jewelry I craft. I am on the journey. I am doing the work. I aim to be of service.

I hope what I create and share is meaningful for you. 

Thank you for reading this far. Thank you for letting me into your world. How have you been living your 2020 life? 

What stories are you telling?

I want to hear. Reply to this email or message me on Instagram. @kennakristinejewelry

Thank you for all the love,
kindness, and value
you bring to the world.

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