BE-ing in Joy

Hello Holiday Warriors,


Are you finding joy in this strange and curious holiday season? 


I find myself spiraling in and out of ‘Shoulds’ and ‘Needs’. I am really good at fast-forwarding through time with DO-ing. 


“If I check everything off my

(impossible for one person accomplish within the laws of physics) 

to-do list, I will be happy!”  - Kenna


… This crazy year is no different. This year more than ever it is important for us to find our joy. 

I used to (sometimes still do) feel selfish when I move into joy.

I have learned that being in joy is being in service to the world, in service to those around me. 


I have been practicing mindfulness through journaling, meditation, and movement. I have noticed that with continued practice I am quicker to move out of my ‘Should’ spirals and move back to BE-ing. 


Taking action has been a helpful tool to bring me back into the present. I have an ever-growing list of actions I can take to move me back into BE-ing. Back into Joy.

  • Be of service. Reach out to a friend or family member to say to offer emotional support or simply to say Hi :)

  • Move my body (Running outside, walk around the block, cycling, yoga, or pilates)

  • Breathe 

  • Write a gratitude list for where I am right now

  • Clean my workspace

  • Take a shower

  • Wrap Gifts

  • Bake something delicious or burn it in the oven. A practice of releasing my attachment to the outcome ;)

  • Making jewelry 


#1 Engaging with you, my friends, and my family.


What is on your joy list? How do you move from DO-ing to BE-ing?

Tell your story of JOY! 
Save and edit this little joy list. Created by Poet Morgan Harper Nicoles
Share with your friends on Instagram stories or Facebook page.
Thank you for showing up.
Thank you for celebrating
the light you bring to the world.

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